TBEX Europe 2023 │ Peloponnese // Pre-BEX Tour #7 // May 9, 2023
The majesty of Voidokoilia and birdlife of Gialova Lagoon
Hey there, are you ready for an adventure in the beautiful Peloponnese?
This perfect day trip in the Peloponnese takes you to Voidokilia beach and Gialova lagoon. Not only will you sink your toes into the golden sand and swim in the refreshing blue sea at one of Greece’s most beautiful seaside spots, but you will take a stroll along a lagoon path and watch migratory birds fly by. For a bit of adventure, hike to Nestor's Cave and discover the mythological story behind it.
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Voidokoilia beach's world-renowned beauty is captured in images of its perfect semi-circular bay. The beach boasts breathtaking turquoise waters and coarse white sand, including beautiful seashells hidden among the sand.
Gialova lagoon is an important biosphere and a favourite with nature lovers in Greece, with over 250 rare bird species, including the African chameleon. Along the footpath is a bird observatory so don't forget your binoculars and camera to capture the unforgettable scenery.
Tag: @mythicalpeloponnese │ @tbexevents
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