Official Tourism Website of the Region of Peloponnese
Submitted by admin on Thu, 25 Jul 2024 - 11:08

Dear Sir/Madam!

Hello and welcome to our tourist destination. We are glad you decided to visit us. Please participate in a survey that will help us to make your future stay even more enjoyable. The interview will take approximately 10 minutes and will be conducted anonymously.

What is the purpose of your trip?
Personal reasons like...
Who are you travelling with?
Which means of transport did you use to get there?
Is this your first visit to the Peloponnese Region?
For which of the following reasons did you choose this destination?
Questions 1: Not at all 2: A little 3: Moderate 4: A lot 5: Absolutely N/A
Based on your travel experience from this trip, would you recommend this destination to a friend or colleague?
Definitely NO
Absolutely YES
Based on your travel experience from this trip, would you recommend this destination to a friend or colleague?
Not at all
Highly probable

Just before completing the questionnaire, please answer a few questions about yourself.

Please indicate which country is your permanent residence.
What is your employment status?